Expository Preaching | Evangelistic Proclamation | Education a Priority
Small Groups
Sundays @ 9:00 AM - Located at CFBC
Co-Ed Small Group: The Book of Revelation​
This class focuses upon a verse-by-verse teaching and study of the Bible. Alongside the spiritual formation of the bible student, this class seeks to build upon the fellowship of the participants. This class has an emphasis on a shared responsibility in reaching others for Christ and a priority to minister to one another.

Sundays @ 9:15 AM - Located at CFBC
Womens' Small Group: Everyday Theology by Mary Wiley
How to study the bible, using the inductive bible method, and apply its principles are key to the relationships that are being built in the discipleship process. Ministry projects and reaching out to other women are at the core of the education process as they learn and live what is studied.
Saturdays @ 10:15 AM - Home Group
Women's Weekend Small Group: The Pursuit of God by A.W. Tozer
This spring, we are reading through American theologian A.W. Tozer's book about the Christian's relationship with God. This study will be hosted in a book club format in which one chapter will be discussed each week. This is a 11-week study hosted and facilitated by Shawnn & Courtney Fields.